Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Venison Steaks with a Blueberry Port Sauce

So yesterday I finished Nursing school and now I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me and I have a little extra free time to do the things I want to do.  First order of business today was to sleep in, my 17 month old daughter had other ideas so I was up at 0540 with her but eventually after mommy left for work at 0630 we fell back to sleep until 0830.  It was everything I had imagined it to be, and more.   Ellie (my daughter)  and I had breakfast watched some TV and played with the farm house set for a while and before I knew it, it was nap time.  Ellie went down for her morning nap and I started thinking about lunch.

I didn't get to go deer hunting this year but was around to help do the butchering and for my help was sent home with a good supply of meat.  It isn't very often that I get to have venison cooked exactly the way I want to because my wife doesn't enjoy it when it is cool in the center but I really do.  I have been wanting to try a blueberry sauce with some venison steaks for a while and today there was nothing stopping me.

I had three perfect pieces of  a backstrap and thought I could brown them for a couple of minutes on each side then transfer them to a 300 degree oven and let them sit until the sauce was done.  It was a very quick preperation and the venison was as tender and suculent as I have ever had.  The blueberry sauce complimented the meat perfectly and was not at all over powering.  It was the perfect meal on the first day after school ended and a great way to start the next adventure of my life.

Venison steaks with Blueberry Port sauce

3-4 venison steaks
3 tablespoons butter
1 shallot, minced
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 cup port
2 tablespoons good balsamic vinegar
2 cups chicken stock
3/4 cup blueberries
3 -4 sprigs of fresh thyme

Brown the steaks in the butter for two minutes per side then transfer to an oven proof pan and place in the oven at 300 untill the sauce is done.  add the shallots and garlic to the butter and cook for a few minutes until the shallots and garlic are soft.  Add the flour and stir until all the butter is absorbed.  add the port and the vinegar to deglaze the pan  then add blueberries and stir in the stock until you reach the consistancy you desire.  Add fresh thyme and salt and pepper to taste.  plate the steaks and add the sauce and enjoy.

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