Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 A Culinary Review

In the past year I really tried to expand my comfort zone and try as many new things as time would allow.  I finished nursing school this year and am quite proud of that, and hopefully will be starting a new job shortly.  I am really looking forward to 2011 as I will have much more free time and already have a freezer full of duck and venison and antelope to play with.  Here is a recap of some of my favorite creations from 2010.

Asian pork belly with broth and noodles

Duck Ham and venison bresoala

Venison spring rolls

A beautiful Tomato Tart That was part of our Mardi Gras Celebration

My first venture with stinging nettles Foraged from a nearby field and made into a soup with smoked fish.

My very first pork cheek recipe, Pork cheek bourgonion, it was fantastic.

My trip to the Boundary waters this year was awesome and we had fresh lake trout with every meal including this fried lake trout with mushrooms and barely.

From the summer festival at the farm we had confit'd duck gizzards with brie and basil jelly.

The Main course of our summer festival were two whole legs of venison roasted over a wood fire.

I had my first catering gig this year and catered a wedding shower for 18 ladies,  This was the cheese board I put together.

My first batch of home made Pancetta

The lady bug appetizers for my daughters first birthday.

My wife and I spent and entire evening decorating the bug cakes for my daughters first birthday, she then devoured one of the lady bugs.

The peak of my culinary year I acquired a beautiful Oregon white truffle and had a blast with it.

A peach pecan tart for a summer barbecue.

My favorite pickles

Peanut butter, bacon and banana Ice cream.  It was everything you could imagine it would be.

Tomato salad with home made croutons.

I lost a part of my thumb while making this corn relish as I was taking the corn off the cob, I was using a mandolin, when the corn cob slipped and my thumb went through the mandolin.  Still very tasty.

Lomi Lomi hand rolls that I made for the annual seafood gluttony paty.

Smoked whitefish spread with North Dakota paddlefish caviar, a delightful treat while at the cabin this summer.

Smoked pork hock terrine, a pleasant surprise.

Whole Roasted goat for the fall harvest festival at Caerwyn Farm, there is a reason that goat is the most consumed meat in the world and its because it's so tasty.

Venison carpaccio from this years butchering day

Scrambled eggs with pickled deer tongue inspired by a dish I had at Piccolo.

Mocetta, a dry cured goat ham that was tremendous.

Rainbow cookies that I made for the holidays.

Rainbow cookies, Rugalach, and Cranberry almond macaroons.

Our Christmas prime rib that was as good as any I have ever had.

Pickled herring cakes with a pumpernickle crust.

So that was just some of what I had this year and have every intention to do more in 2011.  I have already started 2011 with a Duck and wild rice poutine that was a great way to start the new year.  Here's to a fun and adventurous year.

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