Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bourbon Vanilla French Toast

So I lived through the great storm of 2010 and woke up this morning feeling a little antsy to get out of the house and do something but before I left I thought why not make some breakfast and start the day off right.  Last night I had made shrimp alfredo and had some extra french bread left over so of course thought why not make french toast.  There was also a bottle of bourbon on the counter left out from last night and that gave me an idea.

I am a big fan of doctoring up french toast and adding new flavors to it, so I threw a little bourbon into the egg wash with some vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg.  As a bonus I mixed together some carmel and bourbon to act as syrup and was very pleased with the results.  I don't often have the time or the drive to make breakfast but when I do I like to go all out.  These french toasts were a perfect way to start my morning, followed up with a white hot chocolate from caribou and I was already to face the bitter cold that we are experiencing up here in Minnesota.

Bourbon Vanilla French Toast

Five thick cut slices of airy french bread
3 eggs
1/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons of your favorite bourbon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of salt

Mix the ingredients for the egg was together.  Generously coat your slices of bread with the egg wash and cook in a pan over medium heat about three or four minutes per side for golden brown.

1 comment:

  1. Which bourbon did you use? hope it was some fine KY bourbon and not some nasty stuff from TN. later............
