Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Boundary Waters

I have had a busy couple of weeks and have been negligent in my posting. My little brother got married over the fourth of July weekend and I was having a good time in Duluth with him and the rest of my family. Prior to that we had taken him on a Boundary Waters trip, as a sort of bachelor party. I did a full write up of the trip for Simple, Good and Tasty, but there were a couple of things that I left out and thought I would add here. On the trip into the Boundary Waters we passed through one of the burned out areas and this tree caught my eye. As you can see the base of the tree is completely burned out and it is just resting on its shell. The tree was about 40 feet tall and was just really cool to look at. 

The second thing that caught my eye was this lady slipper, I had never seen a lady slipper out in the wild, or at least I don't remember ever seeing one. This one was located just outside our campsite. I stopped at a small island, about the size of a car, during a rain shower to put on my rain gear and there was one lone lady slipper sitting in the middle of that island. I thought that was pretty cool also that on this large piece of rock one lone flower was growing in all the moss.

One of the guys we went with, Rick Edwards, was my canoe partner for the week and he and I were tossing around ideas for food before we left and decided that Spam Musubi was an absolute must have in the boundary waters. So on our second day we had Spam Musubi, lakeside. My rice was a little runny but all in all it was a tasty treat.

We had a great week and my brothers wedding was incredible, and now I am back into full writing mode. My garden is exploding and the turtle season is finally here so in the next few weeks expect to see something turtle related. I will see what else I can come up with for the rest of the summer.

Me, My brother Kevin, brother in law Matt and our good freind Rick

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