Thursday, July 22, 2010


For the most part I am not a huge pickle fan.  I like all kinds of pickled vegetables and fruits and even some meats and fish.  Very rarely do I find myself craving a pickle.  Last year however I decided to make a batch of pickles, I followed a recipe from Martin Picard's Au Pied De Cochon cookbook and found that I did like them more than most store bought pickles I have had.  So yesterday I was at the farmers market and the cucumbers were looking particularly good so I figured I would make another batch.  I Altered the recipe a bit to fit my tastes and can 4 quarts of pickles this morning.  Now I just have to wait 20-30 days before I can find out if they are better than last years batch.

The first step in making these pickles is to rinse them and wash them in cold water.  Then you pack them in kosher salt and let them sit in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.

After the pickles have sat overnight they need to be soaked in ice water for and hour.  While your waiting for the pickles you can sterilize your jars and get your lids ready.  Into each jar you will place

1/2 tsp dill seed
1 tsp dill weed
15 corriander seeds
2 cloves of garlic
1 bay leaf
15 black peppercors

fill the jars with the pickles and then cover the pickles with 5% acidity white vinegar.

Place the lids on the jars and process in a water bath for ten minutes.  Then the waiting begins. 20-30 days before they are ready to eat.  I really enjoyed last years pickles and am hoping that this years turn out as good or better.   As easy as it is to get cucumbers and to make these pickles everybody should at least try it once.  There is a certain satisfaction I get from doing things like this myself that I believe makes them taste better.  After processing the color of your pickles will fade a little but you will still have an attractive and delicious pickle.

1 comment:

  1. OK , can you handle the truth? here it is -- the photo's look very good almost excellent. lets start
    photo1-- I like the you color choices , the red back ground with the green cucumbers . just needs a little work on the arrangement of the cucumbers , you need just a little twicking . for example ,I would have put the more solid greens on the top of the pile then taken the shot from different angles . How many angles did you try?. JARS-- keep them tight together , and move the light source , these look better than my pics of glass. overall good , keep it up . I want to try these , love pickles. hope these suggestions help. later S.
