Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Intentions

As 2009 comes to an end and 2010 begins I have decided that instead of resolutions which are bound to get broken, I will have News Year Intentions. If I intend to do something and it doesn't get done then I am not as much of a failure. So I was thinking what types of intentions could I have that would be focused on food. This is what I came up with.

1. I intend to do more foraging in the spring. Over the last couple of years I have tried to get out and forage for things, primarily morels. But here in Minnesota there is so much food in the woods just waiting for me. Stinging Nettles and Ramps and Fiddle heads and so much more. I have been reading about all sorts of things to do with them and can't wait to try some of them. Pickled Ramps, Nettle beer, Wasabi Fiddle heads all sound great and I can't wait for spring.

2. I intend to make more bread. For a while now I have been toying with the idea of making my own breads and being more self sufficient. I have made baguette's and some peasant loaves but would like to expand that to some different types of breads. Swedish rye, ciabatta, and something with cardamon would be first on my list.

3. I intend to make more sausage's. This year I made a couple of different air dried sausage's but would like to expand that and make some fermented sausage's and smoked sausage's. In February I will be getting a some wild boar and would love to turn it into Chorizo and salami and maybe a soppresata.

4. I intend to find pork cheeks. I have been reading a lot of cookbooks over the past year and more and more I am finding recipe's that call for pork cheeks. I have checked with everyone I know and all the butcher shops in the twin cities area and have been unsuccessful. Perhaps this will be the year that I track down this elusive ingredient and finally get to make some Guanciale.

5. I intend to eat well. Better ingredients less fast food and hopefully I will be able to stick to my intentions.

There is so much great food out there waiting to be discovered and eaten. There is no reason that I shouldn't be able to have all the things I want out of 2010 and become a better cook and healthier eater all at the same time. I am sure that my love affair with hot dogs will continue but maybe only every now and again instead of every time I go to the gas station.


  1. Best of luck with your intentions! I'll see what I can do to help you fulfill some of them - I'll be on the lookout for pig cheeks.

  2. Can pig cheeks come from wild Texan hogs? You should talk to my dad before he goes in late January.

    I intend to eat more of your cooking in 2010.

  3. Feeding 'em crackersOctober 31, 2010 at 8:49 AM

    Stinging needles and fiddle heads? Now you're just making up stuff.
