Sunday, November 8, 2009

The beginning

I don't really know how to start a blog so I thought I would start with who I am. I am not a chef,I am just a guy who loves to cook. Although some day I hope to change that and become a chef. I love the outdoors and love to hunt and fish. One of the the great joys of my life is being able to go out in the field and spend a day hunting or fishing and then being able to take it home and turn it into something that people want to eat. I mean know disrespect to my Grandmothers and Aunts but the wild game of my youth was over salted and over cooked. I would also like to add that marinating something in Italian dressing and grilling it, doesn't count as a culinary achievement.

Years ago when I met my wife I tried to convince her that venison and duck and wild game were all very delicious options. She let me know that she had eaten it before and did not care for it. I told her that it is all wonderul if it is cooked right. She told me that her last boyfriend had cooked it for her and "it wasn't very good". I don't know about anyone else but every recipe I have ever read never ends with, when finish it should taste bad.

So I cooked for her and she loved it, and for the last five years I have been cooking wild game and other things she would never eat and she has enjoyed all of it. Which brings me to this blog. A good friend of mine used to laugh at me when I would say something could be delicious if you cook it right. After feeding him a marrow salad and a pigs snout he now believes me when I say "you just have to cook it right". I believe that like myself many people grew up eating venison and duck and other wild meats that were over cooked, dry and flavorless. with a little encouragement and a willingness to try something new we can all enjoy wild meats and things we would normally shy away from.

In the upcoming weeks I will leave for my annual deer hunting trip to northern Minnesota. My venison supply is gone and I need to restock the freezer. Once I am restocked I will start posting diferent recipes and things that I have tried and enjoyed. As time goes on I will share other foods and recipes that I enjoy and as we get into the winter months I will be making Glug. It should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Ha I never laughed at you for it. Quite the opposite, I have always known for a fact that you can cook it right!
